Friday, January 11, 2008


Indra -the much awaited movie of megastar has created huge craze among megafans.the sale of its audio itself is an example for that.Never in the history of any other hero has created such a comprehensive record of its audio sales.The sales in audio might have created ruckus record in andra.But one more great aspect is that it has created new record in Karnataka also, especially in bangalore. Its sales here is the all time best record of megastar.most of the audio shops witnessed a great sale of about 100 casettes per day.its all time best of chiru since HITLER. As per my polling in the location of R.T .nagar,Ganganagar the audio shop owners were rejoiced of the complete sale of the cassettes in the first 2 days.In the business places of bangalore like s.p road and so on the cassettes went over 200 cassettes but still exact no.s of cd's were not known.
No doubt the movie is going to be a next milestone of megastar,its audio sales is just a simple indication of mega stars mega our chiru itself has promised we will hope for the best from the movie.
Ur comments are seen at

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